Articles Globally Renowned Multi-Talented Anu Vaidyanathan Announces 5 Country Tour Dates in 2023 Ramkaran Mishra 29 December 202229 December 2022 Anu Vaidyanathan one of the first Indian women to debut a comedy hour at the fringe. Her show has been programmed around the world including...
Articles Blanket Donation Program” for the residents of Ovala Village, District Thane Ramkaran Mishra 26 December 202226 December 2022 Let’s create a better world. This is the main moto of MAI HU NA CHARITABLE TRUST. Keeping in line with our motto, Mai Hu Na...
Articles Siddharth Raja joins Vertices Partners as Senior Partner with his team Ramkaran Mishra 19 December 202219 December 2022 *To co-lead firm’s practice in South *The newly added team to bolster its practice and industry expertise Vertices Partners, one of the leading first-generation...